7 Jul 2023

Gold Coast domestic violence group heralded in Queensland’s annual Changemaker Awards

Jonty Bush MP, Michelle Beattie CEO Hearts of Purple, Natalie Roach CEO Container Exchange.,

Gold Coast based not-for-profit organisation; Hearts of Purple has been awarded for its innovative fundraising initiative to provide crisis support to high-risk domestic violence victims in Queensland’s annual Changemaker Awards.

The local group was recognised twice at the 2023 Changemaker Awards held in Brisbane last night being named 2023 Community Group of the Year as well as the prestigious Changemaker of the Year award.

Each year, the Changemaker Awards honour those making a difference in local communities by recycling through the Containers for Change scheme, which pays customers 10 cents for every eligible beverage container returned at a refund point.

Hearts of Purple’s Purple Bin Program was created to collect recyclable containers from houses, business, community groups and events across the Gold Coast by placing recognisable purple collection bins throughout the region.

Through this fundraising initiative, the group has collected over 2 million recyclables and raised more than $200,000 in funds to provide supportive services to victims of domestic violence. The refunds have also helped the charity purchase block of land as part of a project give safe housing to those in need.

Michelle Beattie, Chief Executive Officer of Hearts of Purple said the team were honoured to be recognised in this year’s Changemaker Awards.

“We couldn’t be prouder of our Purple Bin Program through the Containers for Change initiative and are honoured to be recognised in this year’s Changemaker Awards,” she said.

“The response we have had from the Gold Coast community has been over and above what we could have expected.

“The funds raised through collecting containers are not only enabling us to continue the work we do every day for those experiencing high risk domestic violence, but to focus on developing vital services in the future like new safe housing options.”

Hearts of Purple’s awards help shine a light on some of the best sustainability efforts in Queensland alongside other winners in nine different categories which are brought to life by leading sustainability not-for-profit organisation, Container Exchange.

Container Exchange Chief Executive Officer, Natalie Roach said Hearts of Purple were more than deserving of being named Changemaker of the Year.

“Our judges were simply in awe of the way Hearts of Purple have harnessed the Containers for Change scheme to raise funds to support their work which truly saves women’s lives,” said Ms Roach.

“The Changemaker of the Year award aims to commend the standout community project leading the way with recycling initiatives to make a real difference, and Hearts of Purple couldn’t be more deserving of this recognition.”

“The work of people like Michelle and the Hearts of Purple volunteers showcases the profound effect the Containers For Change scheme can have.”


  • Changemaker of the Year – Hearts of Purple, Gold Coast
  • Community Group or Charity of the Year – Hearts of Purple, Gold Coast
  • People’s Choice Operator of the Year – Anything Environmental, Paget
  • Young Changemaker of the Year – Hudson Magee, Brisbane; Holly and Charli Garrity, Brisbane
  • Refund Point Employee of the Year – Rhys Cobbo, Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council, Kingaroy
  • Sustainable Beverage Manufacturer of the Year – Mount Warning Beverage Company, Mt Warning NSW
  • Large Operator of the Year – Reef Recycling and Logistics, Townvsille
  • Medium Operator of the Year – Return ‘Em for Cash, Toowoomba
  • Small Operator of the Year – Impact Community Services, Bundaberg


Caley O’Neill on behalf of Container Exchange
m | 0407 291 195
e | coneill@ivypr.com.au